Hello all. Netaji Subhas chandra Bose! I feel very attached to him since childhood. I was introduced to him through Marathi books such as "Mahanayak", "Netaji" and others. Rather, each and every incident and milestone of his life was engraved on my mind. His uniqueness since childhood, his thoughts, his rebel nature, his heroics in school- colleges, his education in Britain, his opposition to Gandhiji, unprecedented journey he undertook in the World War II, how he remained confident and patriotic in foreign lands, once again the nail biting submarine journey crossing half the world, his wonderful leadership in the battlefield of East Asia and ..... All those heroics were engraved on the mind. Then the 2005 movie- 'Netaji the forgotton hero' once again recalled it. Always there was that question in mind- what was the end? Now an answer is emerging, not very clear, but certainly showing one specific direction, I feel. It all started with some podcasts of Anuj Dhar ji and his book 'India's biggest cover up.' His 2-3 hour long podcasts I listened without gap and then read his book too. Later on I could not refrain from watching the movie Gumnami, loosely based on proceedings of the Mukherjee Commission. Seeing, reading and listening all this was wonderful. It threw light on several aspects of Netaji. I came to know about a definite direction of the answers. I came to know to new and deep aspects of Indian polity. This small article is an attempt to present what I came across these podcasts, the book and on this subject.
(No. of words 3328- Reading time 15 minutes.)
✈ Now so many years passed since he is dead. Now why? "He is my father, I need to know the truth."
✈ Hard work of 20 years and wonderful study- Anuj Dhar ji!!
✈ Many evidences indicating Netaji's presence in Russia after 1945
✈ Why our India so reluctant, in darkness and corrupt?
✈ All obstacles surrender before love for the country and pride
✈ Your dead man- Gumnami Baba!
✈ How we can strive to have just 1% of Netaji's bravery, courage and intellect?
✈ जोदी तोर डाक सुने केउ ना आसे तोबे एकला चोलो रे एकला चोलो एकला चोलो रे (Even if no one responds to your call, keep going yourself)
Netaji! One architect of the freedom! Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and the British Prime Minister Attlee had stated that the main reason for Indian independence was that Indian armed forces were shaken by Azad Hind Fauj and they were willing to quit serving the British. The British were convinced that henceforth they cannot take for granted the Indian soldiers and so they had to agree to leave the country. Netaji actually had done hundreds of marvelous things that even if anyone manages to do just one such thing, then he or she would feel grateful. It can be then passing the ICS examination of those days, directly opposing Gandhiji, connecting with people from Manipur to Peshawar, working confidently with love for the country in dens of arrogant foreign powers! Or it may be be the non- probable jump into darkness- single handed leap from Kolkata- Kabul- Moscow to Germany or it can be the submarine journey of covering over half the planet which had success chances lesser than 1%! Or it can be the unthinkable battle he waged and led in East Asia from Thailand- Myanmar to Indian areas of Manipur- Imphal- his leadership with followers as diverse as all India! And such leadership that hundreds of soldiers sacrificed their lives for him and lacs of Indians gave their everything to him! Even if we can do any ONE such thing out of such hundreds of achievements, our life would become meaningful. This is Netaji for you! Pride of the country! Topic of this article is light recently thrown on his mystery, therefore let me talk about it more.
The air crash happened on 18th August 1945 was not accepted even then by those who knew some inside aspects and even British and American officers did not accept it. There were many lacunae in eye- witness accounts, there were no direct evidences. Many things were suspicious. But for some people, it was convenient to state that Netaji had died. Therefore that was the truth, it was stated again and again. A few people here and there know with evidence that Netaji was in Russia. After some years people even had seen him in India. But this thing never became the “Government stated truth”. Why? To understand this, one has to listen to some podcasts by Anuj Dhar ji. Salute to Anuj Dhar ji! At a time when this topic was almost forgotten, he started with the mantra of Ekla Cholo re. He committed himself to digging the truth about Netaji. It now has become his life. I remember reading a series of articles ‘Enigma of Netaji Subhas Bose’ in Hindustan Times on internet around 2004- 05. It was his work. He took off from this story in Hindustan Times and then it became his mission. Later on he was joined by Netaji adorer and researcher Chandrachur Ghose and others. They found their way with the Government by resolving innumerable difficulties and resistance. Getting a thing done from the Government people in India is next to impossible! Slowly with the help of some Government officers, some Netaji admirers and some retired officers, they brought some information forth. They also explored information from more transparent countries. Later on they employed the tool of Right to information act and also global communication possible with Internet. In the same times, i.e. in 1999, the third Commission was established to dig mystery surrounding Netaji. The Mukherjee Commission did excellent work and proved that there was no air crash on 18th August 1945. It also brought forth indirect evidences almost proving Netaji’s stay in Russia and his return to India. But the Government in 2006 rejected this report. But despite of all this, the truth is coming up directly or indirectly. Many people knew this in a scattered form. But now many threads are getting linked. In this era, new technologies are helping to connect the dots. In 2016, Modi Government declassified many Netaji files. Although it cannot be called as Government truth, but there are many things that are coming to light. If we have love for our country and love for those who had worked for us, then other dark things also will come into light.
Russia via Manchuria!
I just present all threads coming to forth from this research. Those who have more interest can listen to podcasts of Anuj Dhar and they can also read his book ‘India’s biggest cover up’ written after study of 20 years and with evidence of hundreds of documents. I am just presenting some of the inferences. All these things have indirect evidence and can be proven. The air crash of 18th August 1945 was just a projection. You may remember, when Netaji left for Germany from Kolkata in 1941, when he had actually reached Kabul, the ‘news’ that he is no more in the house was out. In the same manner, ‘news’ of this alleged crash was conveyed from Tokyo on 22 August, by then he was likely to have reached near Manchuria. Later on he went to Soviet Russia. An American journalist Alfred Wegg had told Nehru in his press conference that he had seen Netaji after 18th August 1945. After the independence, one Indian engineer had gone to Soviet Russia for some automobile project. On his specific project, his leader was a German working in Russia from several years. He took this Indian engineer in confidence and told that he had met Netaji. He had known Netaji as he had seen him face to face in 1941. When he was in a Soviet camp for professionals and political leaders, he recognized Netaji there and also talked with him in German. He was given the status of a diplomat. When the engineer shared this information with the Indian ambassador in Moscow, the ambassador warned him to focus only on his work! Later the engineer returned to India and after he was retired, he recalled this and also presented his account before the Mukherjee Commission. One year after the alleged air crash at Taipei in July 1946, Gandhiji’s secretary and Dadabhau Naoroji’s grand daughter Khursheed Naoroji had written to American journalist Louis Fischer that if Netaji comes to India with Russian military, Gandhi- Neharu could not do anything and entire the country would go with him.
Our great country!
One would wonder then, if he was alive in Russia, why he did not come to India. And even when he came later on, why he was hiding? One reason for this is that maybe there was one confidential term in the agreement of Indian Independence (Transfer of powers) that if Netaji comes to India, then he had to be captured and be given to the British as a war criminal. In fact, threads coming from inside also suggest that this independence was not a true independence. It was rather dominion status. And it is a fact that till 1955, Indian military was led by British people. Even Nehru himself had taken oath to be committed to British Queen in 1956. Another shocking and less known fact is that Indian police who had fired bullets in Jalianwala Baug were Government servants and they were getting pensions in free India. And at the same time, soldiers and officers fought in Azad Hind Fauj were not regarded even as freedom fighters. Also, in free India, there were many such laws that any pride and patriotic person would not accept. It was in 1955 that the unaccountability became illegal by law. The black act of the Criminal Tribes Act was there till 1952. So one has to think, whether it was actual independence or just the dominion status. The British were regarding Netaji as the war criminal, in fact much more than that, but not a single Indian leader ever regarded British as criminals due to their atrocities conducted during their rule.
Whatever was the Government stand, close associates of Netaji, his two brothers, wife Emilie were aware that he was in Russia. One more reason indicating this is that till 1968, Netaji’s family was snooped by the Government. Why it is necessary to spy a family of a dead man? Thus, it was a known truth for those who know deeper things. Therefore, the first Commission to resolve this mystery was formed around 1956 and second commission was formed in 1970. Many times the Government tried to end this issue by bringing so called relics of Netaji from Renkoji temple of Tokyo. But Netaji’s family always opposed to this and hence the Government could not do this.
The Government mostly tried to avoid the truth coming up. The Government did not allow the first two Commissions to go to Taiwan due to lack of political relations of India and Taiwan. Or it might be afraid that after going there, the Commission might realize falsity of fabricated ‘evidences’ for the so called air crash. Whereas, Netaji on the basis of his confidence and his friends from across nations was taking massive leaps in unknown lands of Manchuria- China and Russia. How many countries and lands!! From Afghanistan- Russia- Italy- Germany and later on Myanmar- Thailand- Indonesia- Singapore- Japan! All these were not his friends. Here too there were arrogant rulers and officers. But Netaji overcame all of them with his love for his country. The arrogant rulers tried to dominate him, but he never ever was suppressed and stood firm on his objective. Even he gave taste of his pride to Hitler too. Indian people are just like goats, was the opinion of Hitler. But he too changed his stand. He looked directly into his eyes and shook hands with him with a great confidence. His stand was that the help from other countries was the help given to a free nation and after the independence, the free country would return it with gratitude. But then Indian leaders were thinking as if meeting Hitler is like getting buried in the hell. They were accepting India hater Churchill who would say, “If Hitler attacks Satan, I will support Satan.” Indian leaders were okay with Churchill who had murdered 30 lac Bengali people due to artificial famine, Churchill who wanted to keep India slave.
Your dead man- Gumnami Baba!
Today we can say that after spending some years in exile in Russia and waiting for the rulers of India to become favourable, Netaji finally returned to India as Gumnami Baba. Of course, there are scattered threads that even when he was in the exile in Russia, he would travel to the communist nations and would be in touch with their leaders. After 1955, he came to stay in small towns such as Basti and Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh not far from Nepal border. He would stay totally alone and behind the curtain. His face was always covered and he would not meet anyone. But his possessions included English- Bengali and German books, books on subjects such as war, international developments etc. Later on senior personnel from Azad Hind Fauj, his old friends and associates came in contact with Netaji. Later on slowly, Netaji’s inner circle came to know about his arrival. There are evidences that his, i.e. Netaji’s childhood friends, youth colleagues, party workers and personnel from Azad Hind Fauj had met Gumnami baba aka Bhagwanji aka Pardewale Baba and they remained in touch for several years. Letters written by Gumnami Baba are available. All these people would ask him, why don’t you come out? On that, he would state that my coming out would not be in the interest of the country. Maybe civil conflicts in the country, resistance from preachers of non- violence, India’s dependence on other countries due to food and other kinds of support and India being not actually free country would be some reasons.
Many then would think, what Netaji was actually doing when he was hiding even in India? There are two- three clear answers to this. One thing he was undergoing a sadhana. Remember, when he was 17, he had gone to Himalayas for 7 months. Sri Aurobindo was also a revolutionary, but later on he devoted himself to spiritual sadhana and that too was for the country. Netaji’s sadhana was now going ahead. Also, from his letters and conversations, it seems that he was in secrete contacts with many Asian leaders including the communist leaders and he was guiding them also about various issues and crisis such as Vietnam war. He also states that he had secretly intervened/ assisted in Indo- China war and also Bangladesh war of independence. This all looks very unbelievable. But let us recall again what kind of man he was. He was active in India for 20 years- from 1921 when he had resigned from ICS till 1941 (even some years he had to take forced rest outside India due to medical reasons when he had met European leaders). In his active life of 20 years if we count breaks such as imprisonment, house arrest, imprisonment in Mandaley, then hardly for around three and half years he was free and still he created such great influence. In entire the country he had followers. He fought an election against Gandhiji and he won it. He was supported from provinces such as Madras. The man of this calibre- even foreign rulers with awareness would not reject him. He had just flown away out of British grip like Shivaji Maharaj had flown away from Agra, he had so much command on secrete communication and channels that he immediately recognized a secrete group in Nazis opposing Hitler. Then which borders can stop him? And then how it can be a wonder that he was in secrete contacts with rulers of many countries? Then such a person even does not need to come out in light to work. There are many indirect evidences pointing this direction. There are many dots which we can connect with our intellect. Mystery surrounding death of Shastriji and references from rule of various PMs in free India from Indira Gandhi, Morarji Desai, V. P. Singh, Narsingh Rao, Atalji, Manmohan Singh come in this study. Every non- Congress Government had done something to solve this mystery, it is seen. The External Affairs minister in the 1995 Government who later became President of India- is seen as forcing Emilie Shenkl to sign the proposal to bring back Tokyo relics (whom she tells to leave her house). Evidence of many such things are in the Government papers. It is there in many documents which are declassified now.
The Mukherjee Commission had conducted tests of handwriting of Gumnami Baba and his DNA. One expert inferred that the handwriting matches. The Government experts inferred negatively. Results of DNA tests with family members of Netaji were shown as negative. But Netaji adorers attending proceedings of the Commission know well that the Government labs were giving fabricated results. Therefore, the Mukherjee Commission had to state that it cannot clearly state that Gumnami Baba was Netaji. Because there are evidences, but they are not clinching on paper. What to say about reluctance of out nation, lack of awareness and corruption! But while speaking in private, Justice Mukherjee had clearly stated that Gumnami Baba was Netaji only. Incidentally this was shooted on a cemra and this video is available today also. You can just google. He too was knowing that Gumnami Baba was Netaji, but due to fabricated results of the tests and due to lack of cooperation of the Government, he could not prove it. But there are several indirect evidences. Many Bengali revolutionaries and leaders such as Lila Roy, MP Samar Guha, veterans from Azad Hind Fauj, the then Chief Minister of UP Sampurnanand had regarded him as Netaji. But due to above mentioned reasons, it could not become established truth.
There are two definite objectives to recall Netaji, his contribution and his truth. Firstly, it is my right to know what happened with my father. Any son or daughter would not feel satisfied without knowing it. Also, it is important to carry forward this legacy, his inspiration and the energy to this and coming generations. Such unbelievable kind of person existed, we must know and we must get confidence that we too can become at least 1% of him. We too should get indomitable spirit to overcome innumerable obstacles. Today the freedom- however limited it be- we are enjoying, we are experiencing this satisfaction, we must know what was its actual cost. If we have this awareness and memory, then we can internalize him at least up to 1%. There can be many ways to do this. It can be working with courage and pride and self- motivation in our fields. It can be sharing this to new generation through street- plays, essay or speech competitions. It can be exploring truth in our own path. Even if we are able to do 1% of this, then our life will become meaningful.
In the movie ‘Netaji the forgotten hero’, there is a song- Ekla Cholo re and it has one line. If as a country and as children of Netaji, we can internalize him for 1%, then the next line of that song too would become meaningful.
मज़िलें कभी क्या मिलेगी हमें
होगी क्या सहल कभी जो राह है कड़ी
आज हर जवाब हमको मिल जाएगा
आ गई है आज फैसले की घड़ी
(How long let it be, we will embrace our goals
At one point, the hard path would ease out
We will get every answer
Time of judgment is right there)
(Niranjan Welankar 09422108376, niranjanwelankar@gmail.com)