Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bharatanatyam Arangetram- Nritya Yoga ceremony!

✪ Arangetram- Testing of the disciple and the final step towards entering public life
✪ Glorious Shabdam, Varnam, Kirtanam, Tillana and Mangalam
✪ Inspiring journey of years of hard work and persistence
✪ Big dreams and giant leaps of Vaishnavi from Parbhani, Maharashtra
✪ Stout Guru- bitter from outside, butter from inside
✪ Nritya and music- a thought stopping experience
✪ Gathering of veteran teachers and near ones

When a disciple is ready, Guru appears. When the disciple is really ready, the Guru disappears! A few days ago it was Guru Purnima day. Today on 28th July, one could experience the manifestation of Guru- disciple relation, its various expressions and what a Gurukula means. The occasion was the Arangetram Nritya- Yoga ceremony of Ms. Vaishnavi Kapre, the disciple of Guru Swapna Ratnalikar Kurdukar and her Rukhminidevi Kala Kshetra. Arangetram is the final examination of the disciple in Bharatnatyam and the ceremony for his or her entry into the public life and for bestowing her with blessings. My acquaintance with Ms. Vaishnavi is this- She is the daughter of my English teacher of Standard VI, Tanuja Kapare who had made me cry and! And her father Balkrishna Kapre, the P.T. teacher also had made me afraid! But she is significantly more than being their daughter and I came to understand this across the ceremony. In short, Vaishnavi is manifold- she is a meditator of Art of Living programme, she is a Yoga teacher, an architect engineer, a Bharatnatyam dancer and much more! Her dedication from a young age, her toiling and her persistence with her efforts was there to see. My sir and madam also had encouraged her without limits and provided her opportunities. This example of toiling so hard for so long and with such perseverance should be regarded inspirational in these days.

The programme was amazing, but also I could meet many teachers. Teachers who had taught me as a kid and as a college student. I felt gratitude towards all the Gurus. Parbhani in central Maharashtra was a small town of those days. Therefore there were many people whom I knew. This made the ceremony more special. Another unique aspect was that right from the anchor and the photographer- everyone was honoured and respected. Needless to say, even the photographer herself was a Bharatnatyam dancer! Along with the dance, company of Mrudangam, Flute (Bansari) and violin and renowned singers, light arrangements, succinct anchoring, selected short discourses made this ceremony more marvelous. One aspect of the anchoring is worth mentioning- there were many veterans on the stage. They too were given best wishes for their further journey after mentioning their contributions. Persons who supported Vaishnavi in her journey and other seniors from the field of music were present. One person was missed badly and he is none other than a film editor from Parbhani, Saumitra Dharasurkar.

Before talking about Vaishnavi's presentations, it is worth talking about her Guru Swapna Ratnalikar- Kurdukar. She was also known to me, the daughter of my favourite mathematics teacher Ratnalikar sir and she was also Bharatnatyam Guru for my two sisters! Her Rukhminidevi Kala Kshetra is working just like a modern day Guru kula. Her narration revealed hard work done by her disciple Vaishnavi, her struggle while doing Bharatnatyam and also doing Architecture at the same time, her difficulties under the guidance of the strict Guru and her journey towards this stage. A Guru hammers a pot in the making from outside, but also gives the warmth from inside. Then the ceremony unfolded the way in which she had prepared Vaishnavi. Under her Guru, Vaishnavi had made so great efforts that today she looks just effortless in her performance!

Arangetram or even Bharatnatyam is a foreign territory for most of the people! Therefore, initially one was just unsure of what was to follow. But the preparations, arrangements, attractive Rangoli and hard work was indicative. Worshiping followed by Mantras pronunciation started the programme. Singing and musical instruments were there to accompany Vaishnavi’s solo Bharatnatyam. She showed her preparedness right from the first performance. Just like a batter who has set even before coming to the crease! Dance and that too for such a long time- it is pretty tiring. Any dance is a very tiring work out! But during her presentations, never for once Vaishnavi’s face looked tired. There are many who feel short of breath even when they are just standing. But her cheerful face, gentle smile and minute expressions, acts in a flow, rhythm of the dance, the delicacy and balance- it was all there to experience.

Actually, when one presents on such a big stage and in front of so many persons, one can become anxious. It is natural. But never ever Vaishnavi's face appeared stressed. Later on its reason was revealed when it was told that she is well into Yoga and meditation. It is said that Asana is a posture which is steady and pleasant. In the same way, her every expression and position was steady, easy, joyful and extremely balanced. Her facial expressions and emotions, movements and her speaking from her hands and eyes- it was all balanced and gentle. In her later performance, she easily showcased several emotions- sometimes warm anger, complaint, desperation, sometimes sheer anger and sometimes agression! Her performance on Marathi bhajan- Sundar te Dhyan was just  amazing. Her Varnam and Kirtana also froze the viewers.

In Bho Shambho Kirtana, incredibly she showcased an entire live story! Madana or Manmath throwing five arrows, anger of Shiva, emotions of Parvati! Shiva’s third eye burning the attachments meaning mind can be overcome with the help of strong will power. All this just revealed so much of hard work done by Vaishnavi and what a stout  and strict her Guru (Swapna Akka) has been. Sanskrit and Tamil lines in the background and the music being played just added more sweetness. Even when one does not understand the words or details of their types, one did understand the emotions and the sweetness. Playing of Violin and its fusion with other songs like Onkar Swarupa was just unmissable.

Thus, the ceremony lasted for many hours. Even after the intermission, people now acquainted with Bharatnatyam were eager for the second half. The performance was so deep, so minute that it was reaching out to the heart. Along with that marvelous light arrangements, supporting role of singers and artists on the flute, Mrudangam and violin was making the performance so electric! Sometimes even thoughts and breaths were stopping. After performing the colossal Tillana, Vaishnavi concluded her performance with Mangalam. She prayed for well- being of all. She also expressed her gratitude towards all for their blessings. Such amazing was the ceremony!

Vaishnavi has got results of her years of hard work and perseverance. Now she is all set to present her art outside India also. Rather, her objective is to contribute in ancient Indian Bharatnatyam. Her preparedness, her extraordinary disciple-hood and the Gurus she has had- all this makes her objective achievable for sure. Best wishes to her for her further journey. Once again, gratitude towards all the Gurus. Thanks for reading this.

Niranjan Welankar, 28 July 2024. 09422108376.

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