Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Fitness is easy!

Fitness 50 and fitness 100

Activity to enjoy fitness with your family and friends

Namaste all. I hope all are safe in the current monsoon situation. Sharing my experiences about fitness and sharing how easy it is to remain fit. Experience of exercises like cycling, running, trekking, Yoga and others over several years along with changes in lifestyle cultivated a liking towards fitness and I learned many things. I realized it is not that difficult to be fit and also to take out some time for fitness. First step in this direction is developing a liking towards any form of exercise and testing it properly. Once we understand this, the further journey becomes easier. Many of us know this, but still gap happens and people remain away from fitness. I am starting this activity considering all such things and reasons.

It is easier to do fitness exercises in group and with our near ones. It then also becomes more enjoyable. Therefore I am starting this activity where everyone from the family- from a small kid to old grandparents- everyone can do it and participate.

Collective half century- 50 kms/ 50 minutes

In this activity, all members of the family can participate and complete the distance  of 50 kms. Or those who wish to participate for indoor exercises can do a 50 minute exercise. The number of participants would decide how to achieve the target of 50 kms. If 5 persons are participating in this, then everyone can walk 10 kms and this will be achieved. If it is difficult in one day, this can be done in 2 days also.  Or some members can cycle and others walk. Those who prefer indoor exercise, they can do any indoor exercise for 50 minutes. If your family group is large and if you have good fitness, then the target can be 100 kms and 100 indoor minutes also.



(My experiences about cycling, running, trekking etc. Can be read here. I conduct sessions related to fitness, meditation, sky watching and fun- learn for children. Niranjan Welankar 09422108376.)

Enjoying nature with everyone

This will also have spending time together and in the nature. Everyone can participate in this- right from 4 year old kid to 85 year old grandparents. Depending on their liking and nature, outdoor exercises such as walking, running, cycling, trekking, swimming or indoor exercises such as yoga, dance, stair- stepping, skipping, pole climbing, gymn related exercises or other workouts  can be done in the family.

This one or two days activity is for beginning of exercises. If one desires improvement in fitness, then 3 month consistency is minimum required- i.e. 45 minute exercises for at least 20- 22 days per month for 3 months. But many persons find this difficult to do in the beginning. For them, this can be an easy step to start with.

Where, how, when, with whom?

You and your family members or friends can decide this. You can do your desired exercise anywhere. Some members can also participate in this from other location. There are plenty of indoor options also. It is not difficult to find 50 minutes even in a tight schedule. You may have some questions regarding where you can do this, what should be suitable for you depending on your nature and lifestyle, which distance for walking would be proper and what should be the warm up etc. You can contact me for this. Depending up on nature of your group, your liking, nature, place of your residence and convenient timing, I will suggest you how you can all make this half century or the century. I will help you on the basis of my experience and also help for planning. You can do this on any date suitable for your group and this can be a new beginning for your fitness.

This will have my charges. You would need to pay the nominal participation fees. It will also have its utility. Freebies reduce our interest. Where we have spent some money, our interest sustains and we take it more seriously. This will be your investment in your fitness and also a reminder for further consistency. It will help you against enemies of fitness such as laziness, lack of intent, lapse in time management etc.

You can share this post with your near ones. Depending on your group, I would suggest you options. You can contact for further details. Happy fitness to all. Thank you.

- Niranjan Welankar 09422108376.

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